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Friday, January 12, 2018


There is a time for everything
There is a purpose for every season of trials
There is a lesson for every pain and hurt
Life is but a mirage or a mirror
But you will always see something or somewhere
That you pull up yourself to achieve or attain
You will always feel and experience
Moments of groanings, sufferings and instability
Those moments cannot be wished or prayed away
Because they are prescribed for all mortals to pass through
A period when all your ego, confidence and strength vanish
Instants of life when you never hoped or expected
They come to meet us prepared or unprepared
But amidst the pains, hurts and sufferings
There is a still small voice speaking to us
Teaching and explaining to us all about life
The completeness of life beyond our shallowness in imagination
That period, that moment, when we learn
When we absorb and understand something
Something new and fresh about life
The newness that displays the old and obsolete
The lesson in the pain.

January 2018