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Friday, October 22, 2010


It started out as a miniature seed

It began so little looking insignificant

As if it would not attain to anything

Yet in its littleness was life given to it

In its smallness God breathe into it

That it may fulfil His purpose on earth

Being recognized as a gift that makes way for the bearer

While to some it’s a unique talent

Very rare and unheard amongst many people

But we all as heathen vessel do possess it

Embedded into our system and structure

Well composed into our being and life

Imbibed into our blood and its minute cells

Into our genome and its chromosome

To affect and effect changes into our generation

That we might serve God as a seed in our time

And being accountable to Him in our generation

For in our mortal body resides

The gene in a generation.

© Dec 2006

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