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Sunday, September 16, 2007


Only eternity could give an accurate account
Of the fatality of evil we’ve contributed to the past
For the memories of those times keep chasing
Of how unconcerned we ripped out life from others
And denied them of the privileges life offers
But much more than these memories
It extend to some at the point of success
To state an accusation before every blessed opportunity
Restricting them from reaching their desired height
Frustrating the effort gathered for the future
Stripping them form the harvest they have laboured for
For they keep them away from destiny
As Ghosts from the past.

Many atrocities men have committed in the past
Ignoring the day of reckoning and harvesting
That automatically follows every seed time
In whatever a man might have sown
Keeping after its similitude for reaping
For this won’t go off easily
Until something definite is done on time
To forgive the former sins of the horror past
By the washing cleansing Blood of Christ
Yet without an effecting of this truth at the right time
They keep pursuing man in life without notice
Hauntingly bringing sorrow to every joyful moment
As Ghosts from the past.
© 2002


For with so little we’ve gone far
Before you decided to split up
You denied me of absorbing you the more
Of experiencing the joy in you
Which could have added to my joy
Of sharing your uncompromising love with me
That could have rekindled the fire in me
And reactivate your passion engraved in my heart
But you declared to have it quit
When I was unprepared to have it
You but a stop to this delightful journey
When my joy of you wasn’t yet complete
And my best of you not yet expressed
My heart with thirst pants after you
Longing to taste of you once again
To partake in the bliss of your bubbling joy
That revives the dryness in me
Though little have I learnt from you
Yet more to comprehend from you
But the little gotten from you
Is strong in making my life fulfilled
The enthusiasm you reflected in loving me
Made me respect and honour the sincerity of your love
And salute the courage in your honesty
But now I’m broken apart
Exposed to the cold of an unfulfilled love
The ordeal of a fateful love denied life
For I reckon more to learn from you
To make my life admirable and dignified
And place worth in all my breathe
For with thousand of rubies packed in ice
With my last breathe added to it I say
Please remember me.
© 2002


They were waiting that someone will help them
They were hoping that someone will assure them
They were thirsty that someone will quench their thirst
They were crying that someone will cheer them up
They were longing that someone will touch them
They were confused that someone will direct them
But most of them were passed by
Without being helped or assured
Without being filled or cheered up
Without being touched nor comforted
And yet more without being shown the way
And so they were weary, helpless, confused and dejected
Without compassion or love poured on them
But wait for a moment, who could that be
Who just took a look and crossed over
Could it be you, cos it could be you
The man before the Good Samaritan.
© 2002


We are all born into many differences
Get to live with it if we do want
But may not die with it if we choose not to
For poverty is not a reason to die poor
Nor illiteracy a reason for dying illiterate
Therefore can we also add that
Born a sinner is not a reason dying a sinner
For we can determine to accept Christ today
Averting the greatest mistake of life
Which is dying without Christ.
© 2002


Come let us proceed to watch
To see the son of Joseph the Carpenter
Joseph is father we know quite well
And his weaknesses not strange to us
Nor his frailties in life obscure to us
Then what good does his son got to offer
Just like that the despised Him
They rejected and refused the truth
As it was been told from the past
A prophet is received but in His town.

On a wondrous day like this
He steadfastly approached His own city
Jerusalem the bedrock of Israel
To bind the broken in heart
And to bring healing to their sick
To put an end to the devil’s enterprises
Declaring the acceptable year of the Lord with joy
But His own refused and rejected Him
No matter how much He loves them because
A prophet is received but in His own town.

© 2002


I feel thirsty
I need someone to quench my thirst
I feel hungry
I need someone to feed my hunger
I feel broken
I need someone to mend me whole
But it was after I waited on God
That I was abundantly satisfied with joy
For He did answer my need.

He feels sober
He needs someone to go to them
He feels angry
He needs someone to rebuke them of their sins
He feels their open heart
He needs someone to tell them to come
Then He turned to me and said
‘Will thou go to them for me’
Then I realised that He is my Lord to obey.© 2002


I wonder in a world free of pain
I peep at the beauty of its freshness
In a path where no ache nor pain resides
In the way where all hopes are attained
To grasp the peace of no sickness
To peruse the words of no fear
In the light of a future that spells soundness
In the midst of a world that renders joy
But the more I approach its unlocked doors
The farther I’m kept away from entering
And so I get to worry whether I will ever see it
A world free of pain and ache.
© 2004


I may not know how my days will run
I may not realize what will befall me
In this uncertain world I live in
In the face of its cruelty that I never wished
But Dear Lord I pray
That my daily steps you will guide
My actions you would direct
My going in and out you would keep
My weak body you would uphold
And strengthen to carry me on
Till I can carry on no more
When eternity would be my next step
Into the world I know you would always be there
In the Blessed name of your Son Jesus.
© 2004

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


They often go forth from His presence
As they blow on earth with power and might
When they are charged by the Master
Receiving orders from our Father
His words they follow to obey
As He sends forth His word to heal us
They protect and carry it that we be delivered from destruction
For His angels are ministering spirits
Sending them forth as winds of heaven
To accomplish the will of our Creator
Towards perfecting the mortal men
Into His vessel of honour and glory
They proceed as His servants on earth
Presented as flames of fire
To consume and devour the evil work
Burning the chaff from the wheat
That we His children might reflect His glory untainted
Declaring His work undefiled
The emblem of His majestic strength and victory
To radiate the fragrance of His splendid fame
As His angels come forth from the heavens
Approaching the face of earth as
The four winds of the heavens.
© Jan 2006


You think I am unconcerned and uncaring
You could imagine where I was
You feel deserted and abandoned from me
You feel I don’t care about you any more
Because of the difficulties staring at you
Because of your wretched and despicable state
I know how crushed at heart you are
I know how hopeless you perceive things
I know how dispirited and disheartened you are
How disconsolate and crestfallen you are
For I can see through your weakness
As my strength overcomes it
I can feel your emptiness as my peace fills in
I can see your bitterness as my joy overthrows it
I can see your hatred as my love overwhelms you
I will never discard your feelings
I am more concerned than you are
Because my name which you bear is at stake
I intend to mend and mould you
Though you may not understand it now
But believe me that all these are light afflictions
For in a twinkling of an eye shall they all fade
As I am here to save and help you
I will bind up and heal your wounds
I will lift you to elevate and promote you
So it may be noted that you have a Father
Who will never leave nor forsake you
As touching my word and name have I sworn
Be the heavens and earth fail
I will never disappoint you.

© Feb 2006


Quietly I lay on bed that morning
Thinking of what to do and who to meet
Trying to know the day would be
I hastily run off to work
As I easily forgot my work waiting
And on my way catching the bus
I saw you carrying your luggage with you
I offered my hand to help you
And you neatly and softly handed it over
Saying kindly and calmly a romantic thank you
It caught me unaware deep into my heart
Something more powerful than the words uttered
Excitingly I carried it without bearing the weight
Soon you collected it and moved to go on
But steadily and carefully you turned to me
With a smile underneath your blue blazing eyes
You touched my shoulder tenderly in appreciation
And walked on quietly and serenely
And as I stood I wondered at your gesture
The touch so soft, tender and caring
With my mind wild in thought of you
I patiently raised my foot to turn my way
But unconsciously shouted out emphatically
I love seeing you again.

© Feb 2006


Every man wants to control others
Every person desires to rule over another
And daily we strive to make it a reality
With money, fame and influence we pursue it
So that others may flock after us
As we lead them to where we go
But each being must know who to follow
God always communicate with our hearts
Or men manipulating our fragile mind
Yet we must choose and decide on the right way
So as to live right and pleasing
For our creator to be proud of us
Though daily they struggle to rule you
You must out rightly stand firm to
Follow your heart.

© Feb 2006


Before the setting up of earth’s foundation
Before men became beings with breathe
You have set aside a place for me
You have chosen a course for my life
You fixed a path for me to walk in
A plan was conceived for me to live
As the clay in the hands of the potter
Even though my ambitions may surface
Though my greed may lead me astray
And set me on the wrong path
Just as a bird soaring of its course
Yet nothing can be achieve without you
Nothing attained without your presence
Where your purpose is, you provide grace
Therefore, as I daily pray for fulfilment
I keep on looking unto you for direction
Like the chase after the wind in a storm
So is my life without your guidance
Completely out of order and record
Lost without You.

© Feb 2006


Evil prowls in the lost mind
Chaos reigns in the foolish thought
Many loose controls unprepared
As men set out daily to run
But without direction as to where to go
They get acquainted with evil
Accosted by the devil in the wind
Who preys on those who live life carelessly
Without focus as to where to go
A ferocious forceful grip on the heart he holds
That he may rip off the issues of life
But for each man that prepares his way
Setting it plain and right before God
To decide how and when to run their race
They rest secured under His protection
To keep them away from evil
Employing His wisdom to lead them
But for those who do not recognise God
Nor considering His hand in man’s affair
They are running the risky game called
The Dangerous Hunt.

© Feb 2006


Strange to see them at such a time
Surprisingly they are seen where they once belong
But now they no longer belong there
For they have expired their season here
Their time did elude them unprepared
Because they fail to prepare during their time
During their period they wasted opportunities
At their moment they moved away from His plan
They strayed on the wrong path
The path contrary to their destiny
They forgot to sow the right seeds
Being ignorant as a youth that
It is good for a man to bear his yoke as a youth
And after wasting all their resources
They are found walking aimlessly and helplessly
At the working period of others life
When they could have been harvesting their fruits
But nay they keep walking as
Ghosts walking on a sunny day.

© Nov 2006


So much have I been accosted with in life
So much have I learnt and absorb in my journey
Some easily forgotten and misplaced
Yet few recalled and retained
But that which I extracted from you abideth always
The love you overwhelmed me with is honoured
Many showers of love has pass with time
Many generous charity givers has slipped off
But you stayed so close and near
You heartily exposed me to you to be me
You may not prove to be the best friend
But that which you’ve shared is the best I need
Thus sparking a charming adorable passion in me
That can only be quenched by you
And yet refilling with your pure love
Oh my sweet darling lover.

© 2002