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Tuesday, September 4, 2007


You think I am unconcerned and uncaring
You could imagine where I was
You feel deserted and abandoned from me
You feel I don’t care about you any more
Because of the difficulties staring at you
Because of your wretched and despicable state
I know how crushed at heart you are
I know how hopeless you perceive things
I know how dispirited and disheartened you are
How disconsolate and crestfallen you are
For I can see through your weakness
As my strength overcomes it
I can feel your emptiness as my peace fills in
I can see your bitterness as my joy overthrows it
I can see your hatred as my love overwhelms you
I will never discard your feelings
I am more concerned than you are
Because my name which you bear is at stake
I intend to mend and mould you
Though you may not understand it now
But believe me that all these are light afflictions
For in a twinkling of an eye shall they all fade
As I am here to save and help you
I will bind up and heal your wounds
I will lift you to elevate and promote you
So it may be noted that you have a Father
Who will never leave nor forsake you
As touching my word and name have I sworn
Be the heavens and earth fail
I will never disappoint you.

© Feb 2006

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